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Archive for the 'Whiplash' Category

Whiplash: Can It Be Prevented?

Whiplash, also called cervical acceleration-deceleration disorder (CAD), often occurs as a result of automobile collisions. So, the question is raised, "…can it be prevented?" To answer this question, we must first consider the obvious facts about minimizing your distractions when you drive: intoxication; engaged conversation (especially if you’re trying to make eye contact); talking on [..]

Whiplash Associated Disorder Facts

Whiplash is a fairly common condition that occurs when the neck is suddenly forced forwards and backwards, usually from motor vehicle collisions. Before 1928, whiplash was sometimes called "railway spine" as it was used to describe injuries that occurred to people involved in train accidents. Since 1928, much has been studied and reported about this [..]

What Really Causes Whiplash?

Whiplash is a non-medical term for a condition that occurs when the neck and head move rapidly forwards and backwards or sideways at a speed so fast the neck muscles are unable to stop the movement from happening. This sudden force results exceeds the normal range of motion of the neck, causing injury to the [..]

What's Mild Traumatic Brain Injury?

When you woke up today, you thought this was like any other Tuesday. You packed the kid’s lunches and off to school they went. You’re on your way to work and everything is on schedule- it’s a good day! You are stopped at a red light when out of nowhere, someone crashes into the back [..]

What Happens in "Whiplash?"

Whiplash is a slang term for an injury that occurs to the neck after the head has been literally "whipped" either forwards and backwards or sideways after a sudden jar such as in a slip / trip and fall, a physical assault, or a motor vehicle collision. But what REALLY happens in a "whiplash" injury? [..]

Whiplash! Do I Need an Attorney?

When you hear the word, "whiplash," it brings to mind many different thoughts: motor vehicle collision (MVC), neck pain, headaches, concussion, jaw pain, litigation, car damage estimates, possibly needing a new car, medical costs, doctor’s appointments, sleepless nights, and more. Questions typically asked when a MVC occurs include the following: 1. Do I need to [..]

Interesting Facts About Whiplash

We all know automobile accidents or motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) are the most common cause of whiplash; however, whiplash can also occur from a slip and fall and virtually any injury where your head is whipped backwards. Here are some important facts about whiplash you may not be aware of... For example, did you know [..]

What Causes Whiplash?

The most common causes of "whiplash" are injuries that arise from automobile accidents or motor vehicle collisions (MVCs). So, let’s chat about why and how this happens in a "typical" MVC. You are stopped at a red light, patiently waiting for the light to turn green and suddenly, you hear the screech of tires followed [..]

Whiplash: What Are The Odds of a Permanent Injury?

You've probably heard someone claim, "…you’re not really injured – you’re just going for a big settlement!" Or, "…that person isn’t really hurt, they’re just in it for the money!" Though there are cases that may fit this scenario, the majority of people who are injured in a motor vehicle collision would gladly forfeit any [..]

Automobile Features That Help Save Lives

You might ask, what does this headline have to do with chiropractic? It’s often said case management or patient care is much more than just what we do to our patients (such as in chiropractic, applying a spinal adjustment). The patient education portion of our care plan can frequently make or break a successful outcome [..]